In many cases, allergy symptoms are difficult to differentiate from the symptoms of other disorders and illness, such as a cold, a deformity of the nose, or food intolerance. For this reason, many doctors suggest that allergies be properly diagnosed by a board-certified allergist (doctors who treats allergies).
Inflammatory reaction affects the tissue and organs, mainly the skin, mucous, membranes, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are the symptoms of allergy.
Itching and watery eyes, runny congested nose and sinuses, sneezing, respiratory symptoms, headache, rapid heart beat and skin reactions are commonly produced symptoms.
To eliminate some allergies drink lots of water, take fruit juices except for citrus, eat vegetables except corn and tomatoes. Eat brown or white rice, turkey, and white fish like halibut, sole, swordfish except for shell fish, almonds, walnuts or sunflower seeds.
If your allergies are causing you to cough, wheeze and have trouble breathing you should see an allergist, to avoid self-administration of inappropriate medications.
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